G.R.Y.B.B. Comenius School Development Project

2003/2004 First Meeting

Oulx - Italy

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Final Summary

Summary First Meeting

Oulx, 12-14 november 2003


1.   By the end of November the Dutch delegation will prepare the questionnaire suggested by our Hungarian colleagues reviewed and amended in the plenary session. They will also prepare an evaluation card about the questionnaire. During December, in all schools, 50 students between 15-17 years of age will respond to the survey questions and by 15 January 2004 a table of the results will be sent to all partners in order to be further distributed to all.

 2.   By the end of December, could all delegates send their school’s logo to desdema@tin.it These logos will be added to the website along with the other material. Please create a link on your website to www.desambrois.it in G.R.Y.B.B. section.

3.   Once I’ve reviewed all the materials that you’ve left with me in Oulx, I’ll be able to let you know what steps we need to take to get the multinational publication off the ground. Remember that we decided each article will appear in its language of origin and in English.



Second meeting will be in Koszeg, Hungary, during their school holidays.


-   Programme

Wen 11 Feb. 04

Delegations arrive in Koszeg


Thurs.12 Feb. 04

Fri. 13 Feb 04


Work together:

Ø      Keeping Healty (conference with students – our work at school)

Ø      Keeping Healty (conference for the staff with experts)

Ø      Keeping Healty (food and to music to enjoy ourselves)

Ø      Keeping Healty (Science across Europe project)

Ø      Evaluation about the first part of the work

Ø      Torino 2006 Olympic Winter Games (presentation at Koszeg town …if you want!)

Ø      The programme of the third meeting in Menorca

Ø      …. Your suggestion …


Sat. 14 Feb. 04

Sun 15 Feb. 04

Time together

-  4 Participants from each country – each school can decide how many teachers and how many students.

-  Teachers will stay in hotel, students will stay with host families.


Third meeting will be in Menorca, Spain


- Programme (we will discuss together in Koszeg)

- Dates 15 – 18 may 2004

- 4 Participants from each country – each school can decide how many teachers and how many students.

- Teachers will stay in hotel, students will stay with host families

- During the working days (17-18 may 2004) a report will be given on work completed and we will present our multilingual publication on website.

As for activity in the second and third years of the project, the group decided to considerate 2 meetings a  year of a longer duration.


2004-2005   Odry (CZ) and Embrun (FR)

2005-2006   Hoorn (NL) and Oulx (IT)

The idea is to organise  the Oulx meeting during the Paralympic Winter Games in march 2006

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